Ode to Morning

Mornings suck.  They always start out about the same for me.  My iPhone in the iHome dock starts plays whatever music I've selected the night before from my iTunes that will not irritate me to the point of iThrowing my iPhone across the room.  Yep, it's just about that bad.  It helps me wake up happy.  Well...happier anyway.  Those alarm clocks that sound like a blaring alarm on a nuclear reactor that is about ready to melt down don't work too well for me.  I'm sure I've destroyed a few alarm clocks over that riduculousness.  FYI: Don't hit the bar on your iHome...it's not a snooze button.  You'll snooze alright.  You'll snooze right past the time you ought to be leaving for work

Rolling out of bed, I'm bleary eyed, stumbling to the kitchen to hit the start button on the coffee grinder.  I waddle over to the pantry and get my coffee filter and fit it neatly into the basket on the coffee maker, then pour the proper amount of water in.  I wipe the sleep from my eyes...dump the blissfully aromatic fresh grounds into the basket and slap the start button, hopefully after I've placed the caraffe back onto the warming plate under the basket.  I plop down on the couch, turn on the news, careful to keep the volume low enough to not freak out my uber sensitive still sleeping brain.  Soon the coffee is finished, I plod back over to the coffee maker on the kitchen counter, pouring myself the first cup of liquid heaven.  I sit back down on the couch, blankly staring at the TV...some of which is getting through to me, while I robotically bring the coffee cup to my lips to bring in the lifeblood of my mornings.

That begins my waking period.  I purposely wake up a couple of hours before I need to leave the house because, seriously, it takes me that long to feel ready to face people.  Those of you who know me know that I love people.  I really do.  People are interesting; they're fascinating.  I always gain something good from meeting someone new and rubbing shoulders with those with whom I'm already familiar.  I value the friendships with my coworkers, family and friends.  I don't know any such thing as a stranger.  I'll strike up a conversation with anybody...any time past 9-10AM.  Before that, I'm not really chatty.  I'm kind of bitchy to put it really bluntly.  You'd think that will power, choosing to be different, and trying really hard would make it easier.  Something seems just disconnect in my brain that causes a more grizzly bear-like personality for a while.  Trust me, I've tried...maybe someday when I grow up, I'll handle morning much better.  For now, coffee and wind-up time is about as close as I can get to being human in the morning.

That's probably why I gush so much about coffee.  Some of you and several others are very well aware of my coffee jones in the mornings and post cool coffee pictures on my Facebook wall.  I love that!  I've always been honest about my coffee drinking.  It's never been primarily about the taste.  It's about the BUZZ!  Yep, the buzz that helps me transition from Mr. Hyde back to Dr. Jekyll.  The good doctor seems to be much more pleasant.

 My favorite proverb in the Bible is Proverbs 27:14: "If a man loudly blesses his neighbor early in the morning, to him it will be taken as a curse."  A more contemporary social proverb says, "Silence is golden."  AMEN!  At least before the caffeine quota has been reached.  Cheerful morning people can be so annoying!  I secretly envy those people.  They bounce out of bed, all happy and smiley (sheesh), ready to tackle the day with or without liquid gold.  Some actually try to cheer up those of us to whom morning is less than pleasant.  Note: it doesn't work...it's just annoying!  Give us some space, go be happy in the other room or we'll probably bring you down (or at least threaten to do you bodily harm).  Don't go to the dark side with us...just shutty and go to another corner until about 10AM.  We'll be ok.  We just have to wind up.  Then I can be as happy as the best of you morning people.  10AM is still morning, right??

If I see you tomorrow morning before 10:00, I'll do my best to put on a smile, be cordial, and say good morning.  If you want an intelligible conversation...hit me up after that...Mark is more likely to show up!  FG


  1. I suppose singing Mary Poppins with you in morning over coffee is out of the question....


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