Happy Anniversary Freakin' Genius

It was a year ago this month when I began the blogging journey.  I suppose I'm no worse for the wear.  I've enjoyed a venue to express the many creepy, insane, thoughtful, spiritual, angst creating thoughts that roll around in this oft confusing brain I own.  Try as I might to destroy them throughout my life, the synapses still fire like the cylinders of a well tuned Model T engine.  Every now and again, there is a nugget there that is worth exploring upon which to expound.  Thanks to those who have been faithful readers of the insane reflections of a freaking genius!

I've learned a few things over the course of the last year.  I've learned that some of my frustrations really look petty when I barf them out on the word processor.  I suppose the more passionate you feel about something, with emotion injected into the topic, the more opportunity one has to look totally ridiculous! 

On the other hand, some of the things I thought I was passionate about, I was more passionate than I realized.  There is a huge difference between those private thoughts bouncing around in the cavern of the skull and actually expressing those musings in written form.  The fire, or lack thereof, will be seen quickly and easier to quantify.  I really had no idea how much political issues really concerned me.  So much so, that I desire to become more involved in the process.  Probably better to be 'hands on' than sit back and bitch like a Monday morning quarterback.

As I look back over the last blogged year, I realize just how many life changes can take place in such a relatively short time frame.  Relationships change, kids lives change, world landscape changes, the tide of health ebbs and flows, birthdays march on, the addition of grandchildren into the family equation looms...time marches on and leaves in it's wake a plethora of memories, both good and not-so-good.

I've also found that it's more of a challenge to be consistent with posting than I thought.  Those of you who know me (especially in my pastoral roles) understand how difficult it is for me to be brief whenever I feel like I have something to say.  I understand that in our sound bite world, in order to hold an audience for any length of time, you need to keep verbiage to a minimum.  However, there is a huge part of me that rejects that notion with everything in me.  This world is made up of ideas.  Ideas that need to be explored, discussed, negotiated, thought through, and ruminated upon.  That is nearly impossible in short bursts.  I'm sad that more time isn't spent on things that really matter.

I've made some new friends in the course of the last year.  Hopefully, I haven't lost any as I've verbalized my reflections.  This world is all about relationships, after all.  They matter to me, and hopefully they do to you also.  We have to share this dirtball that rockets through space.  I've found out there's plenty of room for geniuses like us!  Thanks for sharing the journey with me over the last year!  FG


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