Freakin' Grandgenius

Kind of has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?  Freakin' Grandgenius...mmm hmmm.  I seriously doubt that I'm going to get any of my sons to agree to that name.  My boys all have their own unique and endearing names for me now, most of which aren't repeatable or flattering.  No...I'm not going to be a grandpa.  Yet. 

My oldest son and his wife are working on adopting their first.  They've been through a very long a gruelling process so far.  I think it's easier to gain US citizenship than to adopt a kid.  Oh yeah...we don't require citizenship in the US any more.  Guess I'll have to come up with a different analogy!  Regardless, it has been quite the journey for them to date.  Applications, forms, background checks,  health screenings, background checks on parents...sheesh...I seriously almost screwed it up for them.  Seems as if there were some issues with my background check.  Some of you probably aren't shocked...but before you start thinking horrible things, was really nothing.  A simple thing that neither of the kids had heard about when the case worker was giving her report to them.  I'll have to save that story for another day.  Suffice it to say for now that everything went ok, and was quickly cleared up. 

The process is still going to take a while.  I've admired the kids' patience as they've gone through the process.  I'm probably now less patient than they are.  I was really pretty ambivalent about the whole grandpa thing until they started talking about it.  Sheesh!  Grandpas are spry old dudes with lap blankets,  spectacles, canes, and Depends.  Certainly not young, handsome gentleman such as myself.  But when the conversations started taking place, I forgot all of those images that I'd just as soon forget forever, and started to relish the idea of being a grandparent.

Kyle and Casey have been asking for and assigning grandparent names between both sides of the family.  My initial assigned name is Papa.  I like it!  I like Freakin' Grandgenius better, but that apparently wasn't on the table as an option.  I say 'initial' assigned name, because we all know that kids come up with their own variations on the names based upon their ability to articulate said name when they begin speaking.  Memaw, and Pepaw, Nana and know.  I don't really remember all of those names growing up in Kansas, but down here in the Sooner state, we have some very unique names.  Who ever heard of a Mimi and an Opa??  I pray to the Lord God Almighty that the kids can say Papa (or Freakin' Grandgenius which would be AWESOME!).  You know I'm kidding, I'll be happy to hear the tender little voice of a grand baby calling you ANYTHING, just like you would!

I'm using the time before the event takes place planning.  My Dad had a tradition of buying his sons and grandsons John Deere tractors when they were born.  Dad preferred John Deere on the farm...tractors, combines, implements,  front end loaders,  and lawn mowers.  So he wanted to start his three sons (no daughters), 5 grandsons (no granddaughters) out right.  If my first is a granddaughter, I sure hope she likes tractors, 'cause she's gettin' one!  I'm excited...there are the popcorn poppers (you remember those obnoxious things), drums, and other types of fun toys that my Dad also thought would be cool for his grand kids to have (not cool, Dad...cruel!).  Spoil them and send them many great examples my folks gave me of what it means to be a grandparent are perfectly transferable.  Thanks folks!  I'm sure the kids will appreciate it!  FG


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