Ode to Morning

Mornings suck. They always start out about the same for me. My iPhone in the iHome dock starts plays whatever music I've selected the night before from my iTunes that will not irritate me to the point of iThrowing my iPhone across the room. Yep, it's just about that bad. It helps me wake up happy. Well...happier anyway. Those alarm clocks that sound like a blaring alarm on a nuclear reactor that is about ready to melt down don't work too well for me. I'm sure I've destroyed a few alarm clocks over that riduculousness. FYI: Don't hit the bar on your iHome...it's not a snooze button. You'll snooze alright. You'll snooze right past the time you ought to be leaving for work Rolling out of bed, I'm bleary eyed, stumbling to the kitchen to hit the start button on the coffee grinder. I waddle over to the pantry and get my coffee filter and fit it neatly into the basket on the coffee maker, then pou...