Please Pass the Popcorn

Tomorrow will be my 53rd!  I've been watching the posts on Facebook as friends have posted their laundry list of things that for which they're thankful.  I admire the spirit of the exercise, although some are better at it than others.  You know that someone is tapping out of ideas when you see, "Today I'm thankful on the computer keyboard that still have visible letters."  Then there are the ones that miss for a few days and have to play catch up, "I've missed 5 days, so today I'm thankful for 5 random friends in my 'friend list' know who you are."

This year, I have three thanksgiving meals.  Yep, three.  This could be a serious problem.  I'm at the age now where I should be eating less and I have a record number of meals.  I already freaked out this morning when putting on a pair of jeans for one of our fantastic 'jeans days' at work and even sucking it in as far as I wasn't happening.  Dang it!  Monday could be really rough.  The really funny thing is...I don't even really like turkey.  Why couldn't the pilgrims have had a nice T bone steak with those natives??  Even a good rib eye, or a juicy pulled pork sandwich?  I don't know what they were thinking.

Another poultry pardon was performed by the president today.  Popcorn received his official stay of execution today...I could swear I saw a tear rolling from his eyes and a slight smile cross his beak.  Apparently there were several turkeys in the running for of being presented to the president.   Some say the pardon goes all the way back to Lincoln, some say it was Kennedy three days before he was assassinated.  The first to give an official pardon was George Bush (HW) in '89.    I didn't hear the presentation, but let's just hope Popcorn didn't hear, "If you like your life, you get to keep it....PERIOD!" 

It's a time for family and friends to gather, share a meal that could easily feed one third world country, and pass out in front of a football game.  Gotta love America, huh?  It will be a time for my sons to get together (which happens less frequently these days), punch, slap, wrestle, insult, and generally show brotherly love to one another.  Some people have to stuff the turkey with Prozac to make the family gathering bearable.  Usually when the boys get together, we're hoping the tryptophan is effective.  They're the masters of pranks.  I saw a great YouTube video today of a hilarious prank. 

The mother of a 20 something daughter for years had been nailed by her daughter with some kind of amazing prank on April Fool's Day.  This particular year for Thanksgiving, the rather large family was gathered and Mom and Dad's house for a huge spread.  Mom asked the daughter to carve the turkey, which at our house was always the position of honor.  The daughter begins cutting into the finely baked bird, and suddenly begins to struggle a bit.  Mom and Dad began to ask her, "What's the problem, honey?".  The daughter indicated that she was hitting something.  Soon she jumps back in horror as she sees what it was that was hindering her.  One of the family yelled out, "Oh my gosh, it's a baby turkey!"  The daughter begins to ask her parents, "Did you know that was in there?  Did you know this turkey was PREGNANT?? How could anyone do such a thing??"  The family of course plays along until the poor, not too bright girl is in tears over the whole thing.  She actually cried for the baby turkey...yep...if I were her Dad, I don't think I'd let her date.

I'm hoping that it doesn't take a special day for us to be thankful.  Gratitude should be a lifestyle for all of us.  I've learned to be grateful for what I have, and I've also learned to be thankful for some things I don't have.  In a seemingly entitlement expectant society, an attitude of thankfulness is a rare thing.  Expect less, appreciate more, say thank you...and don't forget to address some of that to God who is, in my opinion, the Source of it all.  I have a feeling that one thing I'll be thankful for on Monday, after 3 gorgefests, I shall be grateful that I can fit into ANY of my jeans.  Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!  FG


  1. Very entertaining...Pregnant Turkey...Daughter should never date.. Turkey stuffed with antipsychotic meds..Sweet Jesus! Thanks for making me smile. Also since we're being thankful,Thanks for always sharing your heart and witty sense of humor in these blogs.. I know it's not always easy to be open,yet you share yourself anyway so we can laugh and pull out a few of those nuggets you speak of. That's a wonderful thing so keep writing!! Please hug your Mother for me.I was just bragging about her "worlds best cranberry sauce" yesterday. Happy Thanksgiving Mark!! ((hugs))

    1. Thanks very much Steph...thanks for being a loyal reader! I enjoy putting these together. I'll pass on your greetings to Mom. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, sis!


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