Adding to the Genius Pool

It's been a while since our last apologies.  I'd like to be able to say my absence is due to being so darned busy, or that my computer broke, or I was kidnapped by armed thugs, or that I had an abscessed tooth that made my head swell like a basketball...oh yeah, that last one DID happen.  But that's the topic of another post.

The topic of this post is the arrival of the little man, Sammy.  Ok, was two months ago...don't judge me! September 3 was the culmination of his determination to arrive a month early.  He's about as patient as his Papa.  Yep, this freakin' genius will be known to at least one human being as Papa.  I like it...I'm not nearly old enough to be a grandpa.  That sounds  Just because I got new glasses doesn't mean that I'm ready for the home, in spite of what my three sons say.

They tried to stop contractions when little Samuel Allen was knocking on the door of this world wanting to make his grand entrance, and he put his foot in the door and forced it open.  He was ready!  And I have to tell's are butt ugly.  Red, wrinkled, nasty looking creatures.  I don't know how anyone can say, "Oh how cute!", or "Oh, how precious!"...YUCK!  Slimy, yucky things that they are.  But this boy was amazingly handsome!  "Perfect" was the word I kept hearing as the little man was described.  Pretty amazing that this little guy is the only one on the planet that came out actually looking cute!  WHAT???  I'm not either all....

The first time holding Sam was surreal.  I kept looking at him, and I was thinking, "I actually have a grandson.", and "He's MY grandson."  I realize I'm not the only daughter in law has great parents who are seasoned professionals at this grandparenting gig.  My son's mom has been looking forward to this also, and will be a good grandma.  I'm just hoping that I'll be a better version of "Bad Grandpa" (Google it).  I remember similar surreal feelings when I first held and gazed at Sammy's dad.   I couldn't believe I was a Dad.  It didn't turn out too bad, I suppose.  My son doesn't have to wear his helmet every day now.

Sam is already a celebrity...he's been on TV once, won a Halloween costume contest by a landslide, and he's been featured in a major internationally recognized blog.  Ok...maybe one of those is a bit exaggerated.  He won by a large margin, perhaps not exactly a landslide.

My dad had a tradition.  When one of his sons was born, he gave us a John Deere tractor, a toy of course.  When each of my three sons and my two nephews were born...they each got a John Deere toy tractor.  My dad has gone home to heaven now, so I knew I had to carry on the tradition to honor my dad.  So Sam is the proud owner of his first John Deere tractor.  I'm sure it's found a prominent place in his room which is already loaded with so much stuff so graciously given to his cute little self it looks like he already has two brothers. 

Even though at present all he really does is eat, sleep, and poop, it's been an interesting journey so far.  He's not looking like an infant any more, he's looking more like a baby.  He's starting to follow a person's movement through the room, he's smiling, and very much aware. I'm not wanting to rush him at all, but I can't wait until he starts running around and talking.  That was such a fun time when his dad and uncles were younger.  Then I can start teaching him freakin' geniusology (TM).  I'm sure his father will be proud of him. :D  He has so much to learn and even though I live close by, I won't have 24/7 exposure to the little man.  Hopefully the lessons won't force that limited time to be further limited.  His parents aren't always that appreciative of my skillz.  And Sam has sooo much to're welcome Kyle!

He is a miracle baby, though (see my earlier post announcing his pending arrival).  My daughter in law wanted to get a tattoo to honor his coming.  Somehow I had missed hearing her explanation of the image choice before she got it.  When I saw the tattoo, I told her "that's really cool!" and thinking inside, "yeah, that's cool, but what the heck does that have to do with Sam??"  This is what I saw:

It's a really pretty snowflake...but the story behind it is beautiful.  Sam was an embryo adoption...a frozen embryo that was provided by a family who had their own children through a fertility clinic and instead of destroying those little lives, they freeze the embryos and put them up for adoption next door.  The kids selected this family's profile accompanied by 8 embryos.  They implant two at a time hoping that at least one will survive and grow.  The point of this story is that each of the embryos is called a snowflake.  Like snowflakes, each is frozen and unique, no two are exactly alike on the planet.  All of a sudden, that tattoo became extremely beautiful to me.  Well played, Casey! xo 
Welcome to our world Sammy....Little Man....our precious snowflake!  Papa loves you! xoxo


  1. What a beautiful post! Congrats Papa!!! XOXO and her tattoo is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!


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