Great Expectations: The Hallmark Christmas Movie Edition
For many, what is intended to be a very positive, joyful, and spiritually fulfilling time of year ends up being everything BUT that. Many times it can be wrapped up in our expectations. Frequently, we get an idealized picture in our heads of how our holiday experience will turn out. Many times it's because our expectations aren't very realistic. In December I cringe because I know that Hallmark has expanded the number of their channels and they run back-to-back Christmas movies, 24/7 for 25 days at minimum. It's as if their mission is to force people, if they choose to watch television or streaming services, to watch Hallmark Christmas Movies. Not once, not twice, but multiple times. The issue I have is, and the reason I cringe is, IF you're going to watch Hallmark Christmas movies, you really only need to watch one of them and you're good for the season. If you've seen one, almost literally, you've seen every single last one of them. It's...