It's the Little Things


It's the Little Things

One of my wife's recurring phrases has been "It's the little things that matter most."  While I'm sure her full 4 foot something stature is a part of what she means by it, her intended meaning is the little things that are done in a relationship that make all the difference in the world.  I wish I would have kept that in mind before some of the expensive gifts I've purchased, but I digress.  

She has a knack for thinking of the little things.  She's very generous and giving, and seems to think along those lines frequently.  When she does the grocery shopping she'll bring me something special she knows I like.  Sometimes she'll bring me something cold to drink while I'm working outside. And the list goes on.  I have my moments, but she's the pro. Sometimes I'll bring her a $4 bouquet of flowers from the grocery store.  Sometimes I'll take one of the chores she typically does, or make her coffee in the morning.  I have to admit she is much better at it than I am.  Most relationships are made richer by seeking those simple yet genuine opportunities.

This concept was brought home to me in an impactful way a couple of weeks ago. I met my wife at the car dealership where we traded her car for the looking, test driving and, of course, the haggling.  We went home later than usual for a Thursday night but the car dealing marathon know.  Around lunchtime the next day, I typically take a walk along the creek by the office.  I went to the truck to get my prescription aviator sunglasses but they weren't there.  I knew I had them the night before, so they couldn't have gone far. I went back upstairs to my office and looked around and under things and they weren't there.  Amanda works from home on Fridays, and she said she'd look around the house and in her car to no avail.  I went back out to the truck and looked under and between seats, and on the floorboard.  I retraced my steps from the truck to the office.  Nope.  Maybe I left them at the dealership the night before.  I had to go back there that afternoon anyway so I'd ask them then.  Again, nothing.  

I did at least think to pray, and ask the Lord to help me find my sunglasses.  I said something like, "I know in the grand scheme of things, my sunglasses really aren't a big deal but would you please help me find them?" Off and on throughout the weekend I thought about the expense of replacing them, the time and hassle of going to the eye doctor to go through the whole process.  I have a pair of backup sunglasses that don't have prescription lenses, but the lenses they have look like they were on the losing end of a fight with a bobcat.  They aren't the easiest on these eyes but they do filter the rays. 

Monday came, and typically sometime between 10AM and noon I go for a walk along the creek by the office. It's a great prayer walk, some one on one time with the Father.  I put on the battle scarred Oakley shades and was walking through the main lobby to hit the doors for my walk and the thought came to my mind (I wonder how?) to go to the receptionist and ask.  I hung a quick left and said, "Lindsey, has someone turned in some sunglasses?"  "Yes."  "Aviators?" "Yes."  She reaches in one of the desk drawers and in her hand was my prescription aviator sunglasses!  I was elated!  No upcoming hassle and expense to replace them and my mind was at peace!  I asked her if she knew who turned them in and where they were and she said she had no idea, they were simply in her desk.

I continued on my walk wearing my aviators, and as I walked I recalled praying about it on Friday.  It was time to say 'thank you'.  I was recalling saying that I knew it wasn't a big deal when I prayed before.  I sensed Him saying to me at that point, "But it was a big deal to YOU!"  I choked up a bit.  The King and Ruler of the universe has a lot on his plate, I would imagine.  What is a pair of lost sunglasses when there are famines, fires, wars, earthquakes, pain, grief, loss, sickness, and the like?  A little thing that is a big deal to me makes it a big deal to HIM.  So He took care of it.  That was a huge act of love in my mind.

As I continued my prayer walk I was convicted, big time, about my relationships with others.  I hear the concerns of others and instantly compare some of the worst things in my life to what they are complaining about or hoping for, and I think, "Wow, that's really not that big of a deal. I've had to deal with X, Y, and Z and you're worried about THIS?"   Hmmm...kind of like losing some sunglasses, right?  How you define "big deal" depends on which side of the "deal" you're standing on.  I knew at that point, the Lord was teaching me something profound from the episode of the missing sunglasses.  What is a big deal to my wife, should be a big deal to me.  What is a big deal to the kids, grandkids, Mom, siblings, and friends should be a big deal to me. You get the idea.  I think that's part of what it means to love your neighbor as yourself.  

I found out how selfish I truly am, and how distant I still remain from being like Jesus, even on my best days.  Life is a journey.  Perfecting holiness is a process.  And sometimes it's the little things that matter the most.    FG


  1. Food for thought. Even tho Mike is blind now he still cooks for me and cleans up. I am honored he still wants to do things for me when I tell him he doesn't need to. It is the little things Mark. Love you son.


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