Battle Fatigue


Battle Fatigue

I started out thinking the title "Political Fatigue" would be attached to this piece.  But upon reflection, this genius came to the conclusion that it's not politics that has me worn to a frazzle, rather it's what politics has become.  It's become extremely factional.

For the longest time believed that politics was much calmer and more domesticated when I was younger.  I think that because of living through the eras of JFK and Ronald Reagan, I romanticized it at least in part.   However, it didn't really end well for Kennedy, and I still remember where I was when Reagan was shot. It seems, though, that in the last few years there has been a what seems to be a very steep downward spiral into sheer frustration and fatigue. 

Throughout the years I somewhat paid attention to what was going on nationally, and  statewide and a little less what was happening locally.  As I have gotten older and watch my children's families grow, I have become more and more concerned about what they will have to live with when I transition to my real home.  I have to be frank:  It scares me what I'll be leaving behind.  And the thought of it is wearing me out.

Even if you are marginally informed, it has to be apparent that there has never been more division in this country perhaps since the civil war or the Vietnam war era.  In the past, the turmoil was more over very specific issues.  Now it folks seem to argue about anything and everything. Every issue seems to be stoked until emotions are white hot

It's easy to get caught up in the fray.  When my boss decided to run for Governor of our state, I knew him and trusted him well enough that I wanted to do what I could to help.  He believed God wanted him to do run for office or it would not have happened.  He hadn't been involved in anything like it, but spent his time working his tail off to grow our company for 20 years.  He had not even been involved in seeking leadership in our specific industry organizations.  I found out quickly that there are people and groups in power who don't want to lose it. They spin stories and events to people who won't bother to investigate, but readily accept false information at face value.  I knew better about a lot of things because I was there when alleged events took place.  Much of campaigning takes place on social media so I found myself defending the truth against people who really didn't care about the facts.  All they were concerned about was their preconceived ideas and their position, much of which was fed to them.  And they took the bait.  Hook.  Line.  Sinker.

To be frank, it became very exhausting.  I wanted to reason with people who didn't want to reason.  They wanted to stay entrenched.  These individuals failed to do what I taught my philosophy students and have always tried to live by myself, and that is to always leave the door cracked open slightly for the possibility that you might be wrong.  I frequently am, as annoying as it is.  But I have a hunger and desire for truth.  Yes, I have my biases.  Yes I sometimes have false assumptions or preconceptions which are off base.  That is why I like dialogue and debate.  Unfortunately those are all but lost causes.

It seems easier for folks to simply "block" or "cancel" people they disagree with rather than open up lines of communication.  If you don't agree with me, we can't be friends.  

The news media throws out a steady supply of chum to keep the feeding frenzy of fierce disagreement and argument alive.  The bias is obvious.  Gone are the days we could turn on the TV and see Walter Cronkite, or Chet Huntley and David Brinkley simply deliver the events of the day without spin or bias.  Formerly it was news.  Currently news is not news, it's entertainment.  But it's far from entertaining.  I'm fatigued.  Actually I'm downright exhausted from all of it.

Tribalism is being encouraged and fed from both the media and politicians...and I'm convinced others in the background.  Instead of encouraging us to be one as citizens of the United States of America, we're encouraged to pick a camp to fight and die to protect.  It sometimes feels like that folks want that to be understood literally.  At no time in my life have I seen such fracturing and polarization as I do now.  The struggle is ultimately one for power. Which tribe will win? Which will prove to wield the most power?  In the battle for power, we'd better beware.  Jesus' words which were ironically quoted by Abraham Lincoln (when was that? Oh yeah, the civil war era)  are accurate in this context as well: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."  The threat of that is very real, and quite frankly exhausting.

As I've reflected on it, these aren't new problems.  Without citing example after example throughout history, I'll highlight a couple of historical events which may bring some clarity, and perhaps a little hope.

In 1 Samuel 8 we find the nation of Israel complaining.    Starting in verse 19:  "We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles." 21 When Samuel heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the Lord. 22 The Lord answered, "Listen to them and give them a king."

 The ironic thing is before this, they had a King. THE King.  They had the creator over them as king.  As with most people throughout our lives, we grow discontent and want things that we only THINK we want, but are definitely against our best interests.  So God said to them the same thing he tells us, "Ok, have your king.  Let's see how that works for you."  He knew how it was going to work.  What ended up happening is a series of successes and failures as kings.  Mostly failures.  Ultimately they would be hauled off as slaves to foreign nations and their country was left in shambles as the country was destroyed.  The king could not save the destruction of the country.

The problem with the nations around them is the same problem that has plagued politics throughout history.  Power.  The extreme lust for power; for ultimate power.  When there are humans ruling over humans at the highest levels, there have always been those who crave that power, that position and will do anything, even kill if it means killing the leader obtains it for them.  It's apparently intoxicating. The ultimate high.  Pride. Arrogance. Power.

Let's go back a little farther.  In the very beginning, man was convinced by a rebel angel that man didn't need God.  Adam himself could be God. He could self rule.  He could make it on his own without restriction, in true freedom.  It was the ultimate struggle for power.  Dethroning God, unseating the Creator.  By means of His gift of free will, God essentially said, "Ok, let's see how that's going to work for you."  It led to man's life being turned upside down.  It led to the existence of everything we despise and everything we hate.  

God never had a design for human government.   Any attempt to do so which excludes Him is ultimately doomed to fail.  As long as humans are trying to rule humans, there is always going to be someone who says, "You're no better than me!  You're a human just like I am. What gives you the right to try to tell me what to do!"  And the fight is on. Then everyone chooses our camps and we become entrenched, drawing up battle lines.  Most people say it's a fight for ideology.  In reality, it's basically a struggle for power.  

So I've backed way off of politics.  I very, very rarely watch the news. I've blocked most news sites from my social media pages.  I don't engage in political discussions on social media and very rarely in person.  There are so many more positive and energizing things on which I'd rather spend my time.

Joe Biden will not save America.

Donald Trump will not save America.

None of the other presidential candidates will save America.  

Congress won't. The Supreme Court won't. 

There is no human or group of humans who will save this country or the world.  We need to ask God to give us the ones who can lead us to the One who CAN save this country and the world.

Anything else is destined to bring us only a huge pile of frustration and keep us exhausted. 

Beware!  He still tells us when we come up with a "better" plan, "Ok. Let's see how that's going to work for you."  

When I stop and realize that God is still the Creator and King of the universe regardless of the world's acceptance of that fact, the fatigue begins to melt away.  I realize he has an agenda and all of the power struggles are being used to bring about a vastly larger plan and a hugely superior solution to the problems of this world.  The answer isn't in governments, the answer is in Him.

Does that mean there are issues we shouldn't stand up for?  Listen to God and let Him direct you.  Does that mean we shouldn't be involved?  Listen to God and let Him direct you.  Does that mean we shouldn't pay attention to what's going on?  Listen to God and let Him direct you.  

And then rest a little easier tonight.  He's got this.  FG


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