M. Scott Peck said in his book, "The Road Less Travelled" - I'll paraphrase from what I'm hoping is still a fairly sharp memory, "Life is difficult. Until you come to the place where you understand and accept that life is difficult, life will be difficult." Read it again. Those are some very good words. Life outside of Eden is tough. God told us it would be after we (yes, we) thought we could make wiser decisions on our own without him. Life on the other side of the flaming, swirling sword guarding the entrance to paradise is chaos, difficulty, de-creation, decay, and ultimately death. (Spoiler alert: that isn't permanent due to God's love and grace). No, it's not all bad, but we invited plenty of it into our reality. I've done enough circuits around the sun on this spinning mudball that I've experienced plenty of hard times. I've lost a parent and a sibling as well as many friends to death, I've experienced lots of heal...
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