Prenuptial Close Call...Nuptial Win

Last weekend was a special one.  It was the start of something new...something special.  It marked the beginning of a wonderful and exciting adventure.  The venue was beautiful...the crowd was entertained and amazed.  The participants experienced the adrenaline rush that you'd expect given the event.  That's was the weekend of the Daytona 500 and the start of a new NASCAR season with all of the new rule changes!!!!  Woofreakinhoo!!!!!

 Oh, yeah...and my middle son got married...

Trevor called me a few months ago and said that he finally did it.  He asked Melinda to marry him.  Of course I was excited.  Melinda has been a great addition to the clan.  She's equally as crazy, insane, and uninhibited as the rest of us.  What a perfect match for the T-man!!

A month or so later he called and said, "Dad, we've talked about it, and we'd like to ask our favorite Daddio, Freakin' Genius, and incredibly handsome father to perform our marriage ceremony."  I can't remember exactly what he said, but it was something like that.  He might not have used the word "favorite"....nonetheless, they asked me to do the wedding.  Of course I was elated and quickly said yes.

They gave me the name of the venue, and the date of February 23.  Something nagged my brain about the date, but I quickly shrugged it off because, although I lead a very exciting life with a packed calendar, I was relatively certain that I didn't have anything least nothing that couldn't be rearranged for my beloved middle son's wedding.

It didn't dawn on me until the weekend before that I had screwed up big time!  What was I thinking???  When it hit me, I quickly picked up the trusty Galaxy S3, found my son's name and hit 'dial'.  "Hello, Trevor?  I'm sorry, but I can't do your wedding."  "Oh...why not??"  "Because I didn't realize until just now that Sunday is the Daytona 500, and your wedding is scheduled right after the green flag drops!  WTH were you thinking when you were scheduling your wedding anyway???"  Trevor never has been a really good planner.  And of course he knew I'd be there, but it didn't keep me from doing a little haggling with him.  By the way, he said an emphatic NO to putting the race on the big screen in the chapel during the ceremony.  I thought it was a good compromise...the racist.  Something about Melinda not liking it or some kinda nonsense like that...sheesh!

Then came the day of the race...I mean wedding.  It was a nice day.  The glass chapel was beautiful. it wasn't Daytona Speedway, but it served it's purpose. Everyone dressed uncomfortably in their tuxes, suits, and dresses as is done in most weddings, though I must say everyone cleaned up pretty good.  It's not often I get to see my youngest, Joey, dressed in anything but a t-shirt and shorts.  The boy actually looked pretty good!  Kyle still looked like me.  Lucky boy!  Sammy (the grandson) was lookin all spiffy in his khaki's, designer pampers, and red sweater vest.  My daughter, Casey, was lookin beautiful as always all dressed up.

Melinda had made her own dress...and she looked stunning.  Trev in his tails and bowler hat looked quite handsome.  Daddio didn't do too bad.  I was just glad that the suit britches that I didn't try on until the night before (smart move) still fit!  I saw money exchanging hands toward the end of the ceremony, and figured out then that bets were being placed on my losing it during the ceremony.  Ok, so I'm a little sappy.  I'm not sure if there were bets placed on close calls, but someone cashed in on that one a couple of times.

What they didn't expect were the sudden Tourette's sounding outbursts during the ceremony coming from the guy up front doing the ceremony.  "Noooooo!"  "Stupid Busch!!!!"  "Moron!"  "Run 'em down Jeff!!"  I tried to make the comments fit the context...I think I did a pretty good job.  I found out that the trust ol' Samsung Galaxy S3 fits nicely in my bible, and there was a website broadcasting the 500!  Win/win!!!

Some of you may or may not know that I have a bit of a hyperbolic bent....yeah I know you're shocked!  I have a tendency to exaggerate from time to time...slightly.   I didn't have the race playing on my phone in my bible.  I THOUGHT about it...I THREATENED it...but didn't do it.

I tried not to whine about missing the race, but thankfully I have a DVR and I'm not afraid to use it.  I made sure that I had it all set just right before I left the house to head toward Norman that morning.  It was in the back of my mind that day, though.  And I was hoping that I would hear NOTHING about it until I was sitting comfortably in front of my flat screen, remote in hand, drink on the end table, butt cheeks comfortably settled in the divots on the right end of the leather couch.  I purposely ignored the NASCAR notifications that were pinging on my phone that afternoon.  WHAT???  I had successfully avoided any kind of info about the race until the drive home.  A friend told me that the race had been rain delayed and that the track probably wouldn't be dry enough for racing....until I got home!!!  Woohoo!!  That's what I call a WIN!!

So for those of you who wonder if there IS a God...need I say more??  God watches out for, drunks, idiots, and NASCAR fans!  FG


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