My Genius Sabbatical

The has biblical roots, so it's gotta be good, right??  The sabbath was the day set aside on Saturday for the Hebrew people that they were to cease from work.  To rest.  To get refreshed.  You keep going 24/7 and it'll catch up with you sooner or later.  Ask the cardiologists, although they some pretty big house payments from all of our bad habits, they really don't take any joy (I hope) in the habit some of us have of burning the candle at both ends.  God always seems to somehow have a handle on what is best for us.  How does He DO that??

Professors do it when they wear out from having to give out, and the sabbatical gives them some time to refresh themselves by taking back in.  Busy pastors do it...I know what a tortuous schedule that can be, and receiving is necessary from time to time.  I'm sure there are other professions where the sabbatical comes into play.  But the point seems to be to take a break from some routines, and come back from that break refreshed and ready to go full of renewed energy and creativity.

So I figure that even a Freakin' Genius needs a sabbatical from time to time, right?  I mean the demands of a busy blogster can take a mental, emotional, and physical toll.  It's exhausting to put out a paragraph or two once a month or less.  Trying to focus on spelling and grammar, trying to be fresh and creative...entertaining millions.  I mean, sheesh, it'll wear you out!  I think I was beginning to burn out.  I'm sure I was.  So I took a break...a Genius sabbatical if you will.  I haven't even looked to see when the last post was, partly because I don't want to embarrass myself because it's been so long ago, and partly because I'm lazy right now, and I'm afraid if I break away right now, I won't finish this incredibly enlightening and deep post which will most certainly edify many.  But I'm pretty sure it's been a fairly long break.

What did I do during my sabbatical, you ask?  Well...I'm not really sure.  I took no vacations.  No road trips.  No weekend to the lake.  No backpacking.  Not much has happened outside of the normal, day to day stuff.  I still have a job.  Bills keep rolling in faster than I prefer.  Poverty is still overrated.  I did get a different place to live...that may have to be another post.  I'm proud of my middle son for graduating from OU (Boomer!).  My daughter-in-law continues to sprout a baby belly (24 weeks along now I think).  My other two sons are still gainfully employed...and I'm still proud of them all.  Mom still challenges me from time to time.  So pretty much life as usual.

So  what did I take a break from, exactly?  From blogging.  Why do I blog?  Because it helps me dump out the chaos that goes on inside the frightening mind of a freakin genius and allows all of that mess swimming in grey matter to be sorted out, then barfed out onto a word processor into thoughts and ideas that hopefully will be helpful.  Blogging gives me a time to reflect, a time to be working out, kind of.   I always feel better after I've done it, but seem to avoid getting started.  Blogging sounds an awful lot like what a sabbatical is supposed to do.

So after your sabbatical, you ask, what kind of pearls of wisdom, what witty gems, what amazing insights do you have to share with the masses?  I've got.....nothing.  Yep, nothing.  I think I took a break from the wrong stuff.  I took a break from what gives me refreshment, enjoyment, and fresh perspective.  What was I thinking?  So what you're left with is this random, pointless mess of I-don't-even-know-what-it-is.  So for now, I'm going to take a sabbatical from sabbaticals until I figure it all out.  Until I do, I'm going to try to get back on a regular schedule of posts to keep me sane and to keep this brilliant mind from becoming constipated.  You have to admit, that can't be a good thing! 

I need a vacation.  FG


  1. Bravo!!!!!!!! Very well written inceed.. I mean.. indeed. so... do toll.. i mean.. tell... who are you REALLY???????????????????????
    I still hate cats.

  2. ya got me!! I love your blogs... keep it up. hugs... S.


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