Blog....or Blahg??

I'm pretty new to this blogging thing...well, brand new actually.  My friend Google tells me the word is a blend of the words 'web log'.  Hmmm...I did not know that!  I've noticed that there are a wide variety of blogs out there floating in cyberspace on a very broad spectrum of topics written by people from all around the world.  My Blogger program even has a handy-dandy translator so that if I really want to know the musings of a biophysicist in Greece, I can see what he has on his mind.

There are blogs for runners (seems to be many of these), chefs, librarians, professional sports enthusiasts, and moms with a houseful of kids.  A friend of mine, Jason, has one describing his backpacking adventures.  JMac is one of the best beef jerkiers (or whatever you call a guy that makes awesome beef jerky) and has a spectacular product (found at  I share his love of putting on a backpack, pushing myself to my physical and mental limits, while enjoying some breathtaking scenery.  Just about any interest or topic imaginable is being ably handled by someone that just likes to take a few minutes and write about it.

Then you have those ramblers who, like myself,  have random thoughts that the author believes is necessary to be recorded, regardless if anyone is really there to read them or not.  It's  somewhat cathartic, I think.   That's not to say the paragraphs are going to be particularly enlightening, informative, or exciting, but hopefully a little entertaining at times.  Some are blogs, and some are blahgs. *yawn*....pardon me.

I don't profess to be a writer.  I would like to become better at articulating my thoughts, drawing crystal clear pictures to transport the reader elsewhere if but just for a while.  When I was in 9th grade, I had a teacher who gave me an 'F' on a short story I wrote, accusing me of plagiarism.  She wrote beside the big red 'F', "This is too good to be your work.  What book did you copy this from."  Aside from her atrocious grammar issues (what kind of a doofus teacher ends a sentence with a preposition?!), I was more than a little upset with her because this WAS my own work.  Pleading my case with Mr. Charles, the principal, didn't help a bit as he stood beside his first year teacher.  The whole scenario bothered me then, and really did a number on my ambition to write much afterward.

Later in my life, however, I recalled those childhood events and thought, "Maybe she saw actually something there in the midst of her horrible blunder."  To be able to use the written word to brighten, enlighten, frighten perhaps...too cool! Not just anyone can write in the style of Stephen King, not just any twisted and warped mind can come up with what he does to bind between two covers.  In true Kingesque fashion, these are most obviously now my own words, from my own....mind.  That's not to say that there indeed is 'something there' as I would like to think, but perhaps with a little daily practice and some fun on the blahg can become a true Blog.


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