Before I Begin, A Word of Clarification

Everything has to start somewhere.  I thought that I probably shouldn't let the 'blog train' blow past me before I hopped aboard at least once and gave it a whirl.  So here it goes.

However, a word of explanation concerning the title of my blog.  One of my birthday presents from my wonderful bride was a iPhone 4s.  I don't hunt, fish, or do a lot of other manly Oklahoma pursuits, so I kind of like techie, electronic gadget kinds of things.  I'm not really the gaming kind of techie sons made me realize that probably isn't my 'gift'.  On my new iPhone is a cool feature named 'Siri'.  Siri is a really awesome tool that allows you to give the phone voice commands.  If she didn't have a kind of annoying electronic-ish female voice, I could have easily fallen in love.  Every morning I wake up, and at some point before I get to work, I say "Siri, what is my name".  And in her sexiest robotic electronic-ish voice, she says, "You're Freaking Genius".  What normal guy wouldn't love to hear a female voice (heck, ANY kind of voice) say that to him at least once a day.  The downside to her awesome daily affirmation is that it is sometimes followed by, "at least that's what you told me to call you (or something like that).  It kind of takes a little of the 'special' out of the whole thing.

When my boys were little and I did some kind of amazing 'Dad thing', I would finish the conversation by saying, "Your Dad is a what???", and their unsolicited and uncoached (I know what you're thinking!) response was, "I know, I know, a genius".  Somehow, most of the time it lacked enthusiasm, but the acknowledgement was still there!  I don't try that anymore since they're in their 20's...I'm afraid of what is going to be filled in the blank now!  So for now, I'll leave the acknowledgements up to Siri...and blog titles.


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