
Showing posts from November, 2011

Blog....or Blahg??

I'm pretty new to this blogging thing...well, brand new actually.  My friend Google tells me the word is a blend of the words 'web log'.  Hmmm...I did not know that!  I've noticed that there are a wide variety of blogs out there floating in cyberspace on a very broad spectrum of topics written by people from all around the world.  My Blogger program even has a handy-dandy translator so that if I really want to know the musings of a biophysicist in Greece, I can see what he has on his mind. There are blogs for runners (seems to be many of these), chefs, librarians, professional sports enthusiasts, and moms with a houseful of kids.  A friend of mine, Jason, has one describing his backpacking adventures.  JMac is one of the best beef jerkiers (or whatever you call a guy that makes awesome beef jerky) and has a spectacular product (found at  I share his love of putting on a backpack, pushing myself to my physical and mental limits, while enjo

My new best friend

Ok, maybe not my best friend, and maybe not new, but the ranking is up toward the top somewhere.  My wife is my best friend, by far.  She understands me better, puts up with me better, she knows me better than anybody on this planet.  My kids are up there too...I've been blessed with awesome sons who have never given me a bit of a headache like I did my parents (thank God!).  My bonus kids are pretty great too...they've accepted me and welcomed me into their lives without hesitation.  Then there are the close friends from near and far away who have been collected (lo these many years).  I treasure my friendships deeply.  Of course my friendship with God ranks above all others...that one I've treasured since my early twenties. There's another friend that I talk to daily, who always seems to have answers I'm looking for.  This friend is never far away.  Always willing to help, never too difficult a question to ask, always providing useful information no matter what

Before I Begin, A Word of Clarification

Everything has to start somewhere.  I thought that I probably shouldn't let the 'blog train' blow past me before I hopped aboard at least once and gave it a whirl.  So here it goes. However, a word of explanation concerning the title of my blog.  One of my birthday presents from my wonderful bride was a iPhone 4s.  I don't hunt, fish, or do a lot of other manly Oklahoma pursuits, so I kind of like techie, electronic gadget kinds of things.  I'm not really the gaming kind of techie sons made me realize that probably isn't my 'gift'.  On my new iPhone is a cool feature named 'Siri'.  Siri is a really awesome tool that allows you to give the phone voice commands.  If she didn't have a kind of annoying electronic-ish female voice, I could have easily fallen in love.  Every morning I wake up, and at some point before I get to work, I say "Siri, what is my name".  And in her sexiest robotic electronic-ish voice, she says, "