Battle Fatigue
Battle Fatigue I started out thinking the title "Political Fatigue" would be attached to this piece. But upon reflection, this genius came to the conclusion that it's not politics that has me worn to a frazzle, rather it's what politics has become. It's become extremely factional. For the longest time believed that politics was much calmer and more domesticated when I was younger. I think that because of living through the eras of JFK and Ronald Reagan, I romanticized it at least in part. However, it didn't really end well for Kennedy, and I still remember where I was when Reagan was shot. It seems, though, that in the last few years there has been a what seems to be a very steep downward spiral into sheer frustration and fatigue. Throughout the years I somewhat paid attention to what was going on nationally, and statewide and a little less what was happening locally. As I have gotten older and watch my children's families grow, I h...