T-Rex, Velociraptor, and Me

The last 12 months has been an interesting journey.   We just got back from our annual trip to Vegas with a large group of friends we work with I've affectionately called, "The Usual Suspects".  When the girlfriend and I got married at the Vegas sign, a good many of them were there to share in our special day.  We've taken a trip each year since then and we're already looking forward to the next one. 

Last year, when we got back and was looking through the trip photos, I was aghast at what I saw looking at myself.  Who was that chubby buddy I was seeing next to my wife?  The dude was making Jabba the Hutt look like the 'after' picture on a Nutrisystem commercial.  I probably should have realized before the trip that there was a problem when tying my shoes required a 15 minute pre-workout stretch and 15 minutes on an oxygen mask after.  It happens subtly...kind of like the old frog in the kettle story.  To boil a frog, you don't drop him into boiling water, or he'll jump out.  You put him in cool water, turn on the heat and slowly the water heats until he's boiled.  Except in my case the frog gets fat.  Or at least uncomfortably chunky.

I knew it was time to get serious.  A half of a mile down the street is a 24 hour gym.  It's a little pricey compared to some, but I knew that if I were going to follow through, it would have to be convenient for a 5AM visit.  Considering the fact I don't typically wake up until around 10AM  after my third cup of strong coffee wondering how I got to work, that's a commitment in and of itself.  I joined said gym and made a decision that barring legitimate (not rationalized) emergencies, it would be my habit on weekdays to be in the gym pushing weights.  I knew I had to do the work.  I also knew I would have to decide that this would be a way of life until they throw dirt over my hopefully buff 99 year old carcass.  One of the things that motivated me was this YouTube video of  an 89 year old man deadlifting 405 pounds.  I want this to be me at 89 and after:

Simultaneously, I decided to do the Daniel fast that Gateway's Hollywood Hobie Higgins does annually with his wife.  It would be nothing but vegetables for 40 days.  And water.  Screw that.  I'd do a modified Daniel fast with a little beef or chicken periodically, and for the sake of all those around me I wouldn't give up on the coffee. 

One month in I had lost 15 pounds.  It may have been 20 because I'm not certain exactly how much I weighed after the trip.  Another month at least 25 down.  By April it was 30.  In may through July I had dropped to 40 pounds down.  I felt great!  If I looked down to my feet at any given time, I could actually see them!  I could tie my shoes without being severely winded!  During this time I had gone from doing SOME cardio, but mostly lifting weights.  I was back down to a 32 waist in my slacks and jeans; something I hadn't seen for a few years.  My XL shirts were draping over me, so I was happy to purchase new clothing to fit.

My diet had changed to meats, veggies, limited carbs, low to no sugars, and no breads.  Around August (and i still haven't figured it out completely I gained around 5-8 back.  I determined that during the holidays I'd resist the truckloads of sugary foods that we're typically bombarded with and stick to my commitment. I did in fact resist and pretty much held my own at 190-195lbs.

Around the first of January, I had done quite a bit of research on what's being called the 'carnivore diet'.  I'd just as soon throw the word 'diet' out with the sugar I've thrown out.  "Diet" seems to imply something that is temporary until goals are met.  I had determined that I would eat well as a lifestyle.  Carnivore is as it sounds.  T-Rex was a carnivore, though how he ever got the fork to his mouth I have no clue.  Velociraptor was a carnivore, no doubt to help him with his hyperactivity.  They were meat eaters.  Oh and then there's me.  Yes, I've always been a carnivore, but never solely carnivore.  No veggies?  Nope, no plants, nothing plant based.  Meats, cheeses and other dairy products (not processed cheeses) and eggs.  All I want to eat at any time of any of these.   Interestingly, my weight is back down to sub 190, my body fat has dropped to almost 15% even (my goal is 13% by the time I hit my 6th decade the end of September), my skin has improved, inflammation which has always been an issue in my back due to an accident in my 20s has almost disappeared.  I have more energy and I'm feeling great.

This photo was taken at Vegas last weekend.  I'm happy that Jabba has gone away.  I'm going to stick with this way of eating for a few more months to see how it goes.  I'm anxious for my wellness check this year to see how the blood work looks.  The doc my flip out over my LDL due to the fats, BUT looking at all of the other factors, I think he'll be pleased with the changes knowing it's not a risk.  By the way, I'm proud of my wife as well...she's lost about the same amount as I have doing some of the same things I have.

Until then, I'm prepping for the move...3 doors down.  No, I'm not going to a concert, we're moving literally 3 doors down.  BIG move.  More on that later.  FG


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