
Showing posts from 2020

T-Rex, Velociraptor, and Me

The last 12 months has been an interesting journey.   We just got back from our annual trip to Vegas with a large group of friends we work with I've affectionately called, "The Usual Suspects".  When the girlfriend and I got married at the Vegas sign, a good many of them were there to share in our special day.  We've taken a trip each year since then and we're already looking forward to the next one.  Last year, when we got back and was looking through the trip photos, I was aghast at what I saw looking at myself.  Who was that chubby buddy I was seeing next to my wife?  The dude was making Jabba the Hutt look like the 'after' picture on a Nutrisystem commercial.  I probably should have realized before the trip that there was a problem when tying my shoes required a 15 minute pre-workout stretch and 15 minutes on an oxygen mask after.  It happens subtly...kind of like the old frog in the kettle story.  To boil a frog, you don't...