The Freakin' Blogger Fog Lifts

Naaaah, I'm not dead....don't rush me, geez.  Yes, I know I've been gone for quite a while, but most of you see my Facebook page and you know why I've been a tad preoccupied.  She's purty, ain't she??  Not only that, but to be brutally honest, I really wanted to write but I had the worst case of writer's block (is blogger's block a thing??) that I've had in years.  It's not because I didn't WANT to write...I'd start thinking about it, and.....blank.  Most of you who have known me very long know that I'm never at a loss for words.  Weird.

I think I finally figured it out...and this post is actually proof.  I had been sitting on some material that is just a smiiiiidge more spiritual than is found here...material that I had thought at one time that God might want me to do something with at some point.  After a few weeks and months started nagging at me.  You know...kind of like your kid tugging incessantly at your leg when he was 3 years old walking with you in that moment you had total mental lapse and accidentally turned with him down the candy aisle at Walmart.  Yeah, it was almost that bad.

Even though I rarely did it with my kid when he pestered me non-stop, I finally gave in and started thinking more seriously about writing.  That last part sounds like it took a while to plan and finally execute, but the giving in and starting probably took the sum total of a day.  Impulsive much?  Not really...I just know that if I'm going to actually do something I have to dive right in or I'll mind drill it so much I'll talk myself right out of it.  So I did.  And here I am.  It's like a fog lifted...BAM!

We've missed a lot of potentially entertaining material.  I mean seriously....just politics alone could have kept me going daily for quite some time - which is another evidence that it was actually God who had me in that writer's block.  What normal blogger would have a tough time coming up with say during that craziness??

All that to say I'm apparently back at least today.  As with the other blog, I'd like to get back to posting a couple of days a week at least.  It's good for me...I've missed our times together.  There are a lot of new adventures in my life that should keep the blogging chute full of thought provoking and mostly entertaining material.  Good to see y'all again.   FG


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