Silence is...

Some of you may have heard about the Ann Coulter/UC Berkeley mess. Ann Coulter is a known to come from a conservative viewpoint, being a Fox News contributor. She planned on speaking tonight on the campus but was not allowed to do so due to security concerns. It seems that groups from the left threatened violence and riots as when Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak on campus earlier this year. Ironically, UC Berkeley is considered the roots of the Free Speech Movement from back in the 60's when the campus was trying to limit political activities on campus. Peaceful 'sit ins' were staged by students to protest what they felt like was their inability to promote viewpoints in opposition with campus administration. Now it's the birthplace of a new irony. What is crazy to me is that those who are supposedly are the fiercest supporters and promoters of civil rights, tolerance, and free speech are the ones who seem to be the most violently opposed. ...