I'm Not Scared...I'm Pissed!

I've kept myself from airing my thoughts on the following until now.  Be very, very proud of me.  It's not always easy keeping me quiet.  However, I felt I must speak.  Not so much for you, perhaps, but for myself.  This whole ISIS thing has me...well...pissed.  Writing things down helps keep me centered (as much as humanly possible for one who is often residing a half of a bubble off plumb - google it). Terrorism has as one of it's goals, to instill terror, or fear in their intended targets.  And as my working title suggests, nay, outright states...I'm not fearful.  I also understand that some of my readers don't prefer the kind of language used in said title, but there are simply times where 'agitated', 'angry', 'very angry', 'bothered', 'upset', or 'miffed' just don't cut it.

I just want to be straightforward and to the point...I'm mostly pissed at the fact that there is a group like this that even exists, much less up to this point has been allowed to continue their existence and expand their evil influence to the extent they have to date.  These individuals indiscriminately torture, rape, maim, behead, stab, blow up innocent men, women, and children who never did anything to them, nor have they ever met.  The recent tragedy in Paris showed us all how evil and insane this group is.  I'm not scared of them.  I'm not scared that they're willing to strap bombs to their bodies and blow themselves up so they can obtain their promised 72 virgins in paradise and take me with them.  With my track record with women, I honestly have no interest in 72 virgins.  It doesn't scare me, it pisses me off that there are people out there like them that are as prolific as they are.

Let me be clear...again: The thing that makes me the most angry by far are these individuals who are are at the center of world lunacy...recently.  Don't let the other things I have to say overshadow what I've just said.  But there are some other subsidiary piss points that also have my blood pressure at high tide.

It blows my mind that people in this country seem to have the attitude that we're insulated from the types of events that took place in Paris, France, and that it can't happen here.  I love our country.  I love the fact that we're on a pseudo island, bordered by two fairly vast oceans.  It's always felt very safe to me because of that.  And historically it has been.  It's fairly difficult to have a potential enemy give us a surprise attack without being detected long before they float or fly here.  But that's dealing with a 'conventional army'.  It's not as safe anymore because we're dealing with a group using unconventional means whose Grand Poobah of prizes is the damage and destruction of the United States.  Damage and destruction of you and me, for we are the United States.  I'm not scared of them doing it, I'm pissed they WANT to!  Somehow we feel like if we don't talk about the very real possibility that they are undoubtedly planning evil within our borders is going to keep people from being scared.  If we're not willing to admit that possibility, how will we ever remain vigilant?

I'm pissed that many aren't willing to call them Islamic extremists or Islamic terrorists.  Ummmm do ya know what the "I" in Isis stands for?  It's THEIR label, not mine.  What the hell else are you going to call them?  Does that lump me in with others and say that I believe that all Muslims are evil?  Noooo!! I believe it has been qualified by the words 'extremists' or 'terrorists'.  They don't need a label to give them a sense of legitimacy.  I honestly don't think they give a rip about what we call them because they already think they're legitimate. Sheesh!   I don't HAVE to call them that, but what if I do?  Those of you who know me understand that being PC doesn't mean anything to me at all.  Don't care.  I won't be bullied (nor should you be) into using 'acceptable' vocabulary just so I don't offend people who just need to grow the hell up.

I'm pissed that people are throwing the word 'xenophobe' around like they've been using it all their lives.  Half of the country didn't know what the heck that word even meant before 7 days ago.  And because there are many who are concerned about our safety and that of our families regarding refugees, people engage in Politishaming (yep it's a word now, made it up the other day) to try to shut down individuals who have different opinions  So labels like 'xenophobe' (fear of strangers) and 'Islamophobe' (fear of Islam) are attached to others in an attempt to somehow shame them to their position. (I AM however a earlymorningphobe and a decafcoffeephbe)  Politishaming is the new fad.  If someone disagrees with your opinion on a topic, just throw a label on them...that'll teach them.  Call them a 'homophobe', a 'xenophobe', or an 'Islamophobe'.  Or call them heartless, cold, unChristian, unAmerican,  or scared of widows and orphans (thank you for the last two one Mr. President).  Label them with any of the above and somehow they're going to feel bad about what they think and they'll come to their senses and turn to your position.  Why does that sound so familiar?  Oh yeah, because that's what happened in frickin GRADE SCHOOL!  It doesn't make me feel bad, it pisses me off.  It doesn't influence people to change their position, it causes them to dig in to their position and be more determined to not budge!  What the hell ever happened to rational conversation concerning thoughts and ideas?

I get pissed when people misstate what I think or what I believe.  Just because I feel like we should cool our jets and make sure that we know who we're opening our doors to with the Syrian refugees, the huge, broad paintbrush is used and all of a sudden I don't care about suffering people and I'm forgetting that many of our ancestors were refugees to begin with.  I'm one of the sappiest people I know.  I've caught a little bit of good-natured ribbing for it.  My compassion runs deep for people who are hurting and mistreated.  But never before have we had to be concerned about a group like Isis entering our borders who are bent on doing the kinds of things that they wish to unleash upon the innocents in our country.  To point to any other example in history when we opened the doors of our great nation to the hurting, suffering and mistreated in the world simply isn't legitimate, in my opinion.  There is nothing that compares to this group in our nations history.

Sue me, but if the ones in charge of intelligence and investigation for our country (who have thwarted numerous attempts upon our lives by this group in our country, by the way) are saying we don't have a good way of knowing that Islamic terrorists aren't being brought in with refugees cloaked as refugees, I'm stupid enough to think that maybe we should make sure we have our ducks in a row before we swing the doors wide open. To point to tourists, students, immigrants, or previous refugees as examples that we've welcomed here, thus we should do the same in this case, is comparing apples to oranges.  We know that Isis is based in Syria.  We know the refugees are from Syria.  We know that Isis has been the wolf in sheep's clothing entering other countries. To me it kind of stands to reason that if we're the big prize for this group, and Syrian refugees are welcomed into the US virtually un-vetted (if that's a word), then that might be a good way for them to get here (not to mention our porous southern border). I'm not saying, nor are most of the people I know who feel the same way as me, that we shouldn't welcome the suffering Syrians into our country to be cared for and kept safe...I'm simply saying NOT YET.  And you know what?  You may have a different opinion on the subject.  That's ok.  I'm not going to resort to Politishaming, bullying, or stomping my feet until you change your opinion to match mine.  So don't freakin do it to me! Don't question my character, don't question my love of country (after all, I'm a Nascar fan), and don't question my compassion...at least not for this reason.

Lastly, I'm pissed that people are more pissed at people that carry the same opinions as I do than they are about the ones who are the real enemy of America.  Isis are the bad guys.  Having differing opinions is not divisive.  I have differing opinions than those I love and respect the most, and we get along just fine.  What is divisive is the way we discuss those differing opinions.  One of the things that has served me well throughout my life is that I've always left the door cracked open to the possibility that I might be wrong, no matter how much I've studied and researched an issue.  I've taught my sons to do the same (see Dad's Bits and Pieces of Wisdom).  As you can see, I'm passionate about this issue, but I've tried not to use inflammatory language to express them, no name calling, no labeling, no Politishaming...because it's counterproductive.

All of that being said, we need to fully understand the danger involved with this group on our safety and well being, but not allow it to paralyze us with fear.  Every morning you get into your car with a much better chance that you can be involved in a horrible accident on the way to work.  But you don't stop driving your car, lock yourself in your bedroom curled up in the fetal position in the corner.  You get into your car, fully aware of the risks and you live your lives.  That doesn't mean that you're going to (maybe I used a really stupid example), drive like an idiot thinking that you're invincible.  You're careful.  I've never been a radical alarmist.  In this situation, I believe that we really need to be paying attention.  I think it's more serious than most are willing to admit.  Be observant, be aware of your surroundings, be aware of atypical events and remain vigilant.  The Department of Homeland Security has a good slogan: If you see something, say something.  I agree it could save hundreds of lives.  Am I worried about profiling?  I'll profile the crap outta you!  I honestly don't care!  Don't do weird things and I won't sic the black helicopters after you.

You don't have to agree with everything I say, but I'm asking you love me anyway.  I'm actually quite lovable...FG


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