
Showing posts from November, 2015

I'm Not Scared...I'm Pissed!

I've kept myself from airing my thoughts on the following until now.  Be very, very proud of me.  It's not always easy keeping me quiet.  However, I felt I must speak.  Not so much for you, perhaps, but for myself.  This whole ISIS thing has me...well...pissed.  Writing things down helps keep me centered (as much as humanly possible for one who is often residing a half of a bubble off plumb - google it). Terrorism has as one of it's goals, to instill terror, or fear in their intended targets.  And as my working title suggests, nay, outright states...I'm not fearful.  I also understand that some of my readers don't prefer the kind of language used in said title, but there are simply times where 'agitated', 'angry', 'very angry', 'bothered', 'upset', or 'miffed' just don't cut it. I just want to be straightforward and to the point...I'm mostly pissed at the fact that there is a group like this that even exists,...