
Showing posts from 2015

I'm Not Scared...I'm Pissed!

I've kept myself from airing my thoughts on the following until now.  Be very, very proud of me.  It's not always easy keeping me quiet.  However, I felt I must speak.  Not so much for you, perhaps, but for myself.  This whole ISIS thing has me...well...pissed.  Writing things down helps keep me centered (as much as humanly possible for one who is often residing a half of a bubble off plumb - google it). Terrorism has as one of it's goals, to instill terror, or fear in their intended targets.  And as my working title suggests, nay, outright states...I'm not fearful.  I also understand that some of my readers don't prefer the kind of language used in said title, but there are simply times where 'agitated', 'angry', 'very angry', 'bothered', 'upset', or 'miffed' just don't cut it. I just want to be straightforward and to the point...I'm mostly pissed at the fact that there is a group like this that even exists,

The Slap Heard Around the World

It's been an interesting summer.  Sometimes life just reaches up and slaps you upside the head, causing you to wake up out of a zombie-like state and look around saying, "Whaaaaat???"  Some of those jaw rocking times force one to look around and re-evaluate life. I remember when my kids started coming into the picture.  The moment you see that wet, red, shriveled up mass of flesh (why some call that cute, I'll never know), the reality that your life is going to change drastically hits you.  You've dreamed and fantasized about what it's going to be like.  You've prepared the little one's room, bought a truckload of diapers, baby wipes, baby powder, baby shampoo, baby lotion, diaper rash stuff (whatever), baby onesies (yes I know what that is), and a plethora of other babyish items to stuff a room in your house with.  Then when you hear that thump on the floor and your baby's first cries (yes, Kyle, your head is that way for a reason), you realize

Absense Makes the Heart Grow....ummm, we'll see

Yes, I it's been a while...a very long while since my last post.  You see, there was this terrible accident, both hands broken, multiple surgeries to repair, fingers rendered unable to masterfully stroke the computer keyboard to submit posts for these last few months.  I'd like to thank the physical therapist who tortured me through countless sessions of rehab, re-teaching me what Miss Trindle couldn't teach me the first time in typing I could resume my passion for barfing out my strange thoughts onto a computer screen. I hope there's still someone left here to read my ramblings...knock, knock, knock..PENNY!! Or...the dog ate my laptop. OK, maybe I'm just a slacker.  I really have no excuse for not bringing illuminating insight to the world via the Freaking Genius.  Life gets crazy, more job responsibilities call for greater attention, and sometimes being a slug when the day is over seems more attractive than getting back onto a computer and