My Freakin Opinion

There has been quite a bit of banter about the recent landslide of videos on Facebook regarding the Ice Bucket Challenge.  Celebrities from all sectors, their kids, friends, and even a President has become involved in partaking in the ice cold deluge.  Hopefully they understand that to which they are to be drawing attention.

Some people are critical of it, saying donations should be made rather than hopping on the ice water dumping video bandwagon.  I'm certainly not being critical of the criticism, but I thought I'd give my take on it.

I know that many, like President GW are not only taking the plunge, but also writing the checks.  I realize there are also those that are not...but are merely joining in with thousands of others on the latest "thing".  My opinion:  I DON'T CARE!!!

What I'm grateful for is this: A much needed, if not much greatly delayed, spotlight is being cast upon ALS.  At least people are being made aware of this wicked specter.

You see, my Dad died of this horrible disease on March 10, 1992.  My mom was robbed of an extremely loving husband, my brothers and I of an amazing, hard working Dad, my sons and nephews of a awesome model of a Grandfather, and many others a terrific and giving friend. 

It started in his right foot, he wasn't able to lift his forefoot.  The doctors thought he had lower back issues causing nerve impingement resulting in an unnecessary and painful back surgery.  He had a lower leg brace which helped hold his foot up so he wouldn't trip over it.  Tests continued as the strength in his leg was being depleted slowly.  Soon he was walking with a cane, then to a motorized scooter.

The trips to the doctor were frequent, with many possible diagnoses being put forward.  Each was eliminated one at a time.  There really isn't a test for the disease.  It's kind of like taking your car to the shop.  Test for this...nope...test for that...nope...test for the other thing....nope....then it's ALS.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis  (ALS)  AKA Lou Gehrig's disease attacks the nerves that control your voluntary muscles.  These are the muscles that you can think about and control at will.  Your heart muscle (thank God) doesn't require your thought to expand and contract.  Many others do.

Slowly muscles shut down, atrophy sets in, and my 220 pound huge chested, large bicep dad wasted away to probably less than 140 pounds.  He got to the point where he had to ring a bell (diaphragm and tongue control speech) to have Mom, or one of us if we were there at the house, to turn him in his hospital bed.  He still had a little bit of control over his hands, though not enough for anything but scrawling out a note on his notepad.  Trapped in his own nearly non-functioning body, mind fully intact, his stress level went through the roof precipitating a relatively mild heart attack in the midst of it all.

In a period of a mere 2 years, Dad traveled from diagnosis to death.  If anyone had not seen him throughout this period, they would not have recognized him toward the end.

Tears well up as I write the words, remembering the torture a previously very active man went through, dying way too soon at 62 years old. 

So it's OK if you're critical of the icy challenge...seriously, I get it.  Write the checks...they've needed the funds for far too long.  But for Christ's sake...for the sake of many others like my Dad...go ahead and drench yourself for all I care!  At least ALS is out there in the spotlight!  To those who have done either one, THANK YOU!!   Who knows, along with my financial contribution, you may be seeing a freakin' genius joining the Facebook video fray...and watch may be challenged! FG


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