
Showing posts from March, 2013

Getting Healthy is Killing Me!

I've always tried to stay fairly healthy.  Growing up I played baseball (my favorite), I ran cross country, ran track, and played football and basketball.   The problem with the latter two was, my growth kind of stalled out in Jr High.  Continuing to play football would have put me into the hospital for sure.  I decided I was probably allergic to 200 pound linemen.  I swear I think the coach was trying to get me out of football without coming right out and telling me (Coach Morrison??).  Who puts a 90 pound kid in as a running back??   Seriously!  I'm thinking I would have rather he just come out and said, "Dougherty, go do something else.  They're going to kill you out there."  When I graduated from high school, I was somewhere around 120 pounds, fresh out of the shower. Basketball was much the same.  I'm 5'11" now.  But I didn't reach that towering height until I was in college.  I realize that being short do...

The Only True Asset

I don't claim to be an expert at all.  I've failed time and time again.  But I keep getting back up, dusting myself off, and keep trying.  It's probably been some of the most difficult work I've ever done.  And those of you who know me well know that I've done ALL KINDS of work.  If I put everything on a resume that I've ever done, I'd probably be one of the most unemployable people out there...prospective employers would think that I have no earthly clue what I want to be when I grow up.  And they may be right! My leadership guru, John Maxwell said one time, "Your only appreciable asset is people."  That's so true.  He was talking about it in the context of a business or organization.  Think about it...every other asset depreciates in, houses, cars, clothes, shoes, machines....everything.  The only one that potentially doesn't is people.  I say potentially, because not everyone (including management) realiz...