How Man IS the Cause of Climate Change

I'm about as green as Marvin the Martian.  If you came here looking for a treatise on global warming, you'd probably be happier on Al Gore's blog site.  Does that mean I don't care about the planet?  Of course it doesn't!  I care deeply...I do have to occupy this place for a few more years, hopefully, and I'd like that existence to be somewhat enjoyable.  I do think that God gave us this mud ball to inhabit and to manage it well, utilizing the resources available to us.  I also believe that we should take care of it, keep it clean, and not abuse that with which we've been entrusted.  This has nothing to do with cow farts and invisible holes in invisible ozone layers.  It has nothing to do with carbon emissions and coal plants.  I love my gas guzzling Mustang!

That being said, I do hate cold weather.  I realize that hate is a very strong word.  I MEANT to use a very strong word.  If I could think of a stronger word, I would have used it!  I hate it!  I wrote about this about a year ago, so I don't want to be too repetitive. (I can't believe that I've been playing at blogging nearly a year now!)  From working in cold, ice and snow on the farm, on the fire department, and having to fight traffic with people who are clueless on how to drive in it...I've developed my opinion of this frosty time of year with good reason in my opinion!

I listened to people bitch about the heat in the summer...well, it's your turn to hear me moan about cold weather!  I don't mind the heat...I never have.  That's part of what drives my desire to go off the grid one day to an island somewhere in the Caribbean and be a bartender/massage therapist.  I've worked in extreme heat on the farm and on the fire department.  I put on full bunker gear and cozied up to a roaring fire in 100 degree temps and put it out.  I live in a state with one of the worst humid heat environments in America.  I survived Infernorama 2011 no worse for the wear!  I've been in a tanning bed for goodness sake.  I didn't mind any of these things.  Heat been very very good to me.

Cold, on the other hand, has not been my best friend.  At this point I'd blame it on old age and thinning blood (and my sons would be happy to weigh in on this theory), but I've always been this way.  I can never seem to bundle up enough, wear enough layers, put on enough socks and long johns, to BE warm let alone STAY warm.  It makes me tense up. The body's muscles contract and relax rapidly, especially near vital organs, so that we stay warm.  Our bodies don't freak out like that in heat!!  Even our bodies prefer heat to cold!

One of my biggest problems with both  cold and heat is the reaction that people have to each.  There are heat lovers and cold lovers...that's a given.  What amazes me most is climate control...indoor climate control.

Whatever temperature it is outside, people tend to react to the extreme when setting thermostats on the inside.  When it's hot outside, the thermostats are set so low in most places that my nipples cut holes in my shirts and I have to wear a jacket to be warm.  In the winter, when the temperatures start to dip, the thermostat gets jacked up so high, I feel like I'm in a sauna at fat camp.  What's up with that??  Heat lovers will crank the A/C to blood stopping lows in the summer, cold lovers will crank the heat up to blood boiling highs in the winter!  We are sick puppies!  Never satisfied, never happy...

Why not just go without and switch seasons that you sweat and shiver?  Here's an idea...sweat in the summer instead of the winter...shiver in the winter instead of the summer. seems like that's what God intended!  Don't jack around with Him, he knows what He's doing!  Man IS indeed the cause of climate change!

Until we get life figured out, when I'm in the office, I'll wear my parka in the summer and my shorts in the winter, and just enjoy it!  Why fight it?  I'd LOVE to see what Al Gore has to say about this....FG


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