A Freaking Genius Reflecting

I know that I am way past due hammering out a post.  It's been a while.  Sometimes even a freaking genius must take adequate time to reflect before he has any hope of posting reflections with any sort of value. 

Life gets crazy sometimes.  One of my best friends told me once, "Crazy is normal, normal is crazy".  The longer I live my life, the more that statement rings true.  I just seem to be a little more "normal" than others!

I used to long for a 'normal' or 'average' life.  We always seem to have something in our mind which we hold up as THE standard of normal or average.  Maybe we've idealized the life of a celebrity, or an athlete, an extended family member, a friend....how crazy!  The time I spent being a church leader taught me among other things: every single person on this planet is jacked up.  I'm sorry for using technical psychological jargon with you, but it had to be done.  Statements that are bold and blunt are what we need the most sometimes.

I've finally come to the place in my life where I finally realize that I'm just as jacked up as the next guy!  Whew, I'm NORMAL!  Gives a whole new twist to the field of 'abnormal psychology'!  I realize that many of you who are my family, coworkers, and close friends came to this understanding about me a loooooong time ago.  Ok, so I'm slow...but I'm still a Freaking Genius!  FG


  1. very well done.. bravo.. honesty IS the best policy!!!!!


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