A Tale of Two Trees...and a Horse

Thanksgiving Day in the Dougherty house has been interesting to say the least. Definitely not what I had planned...or at least the way I planned it. A friend of mine and I were just talking yesterday about flexibility and making plans. You never know what's going to happen. My wife has a friend who fell on some hard times and she's been doing all she can to help her get back on her feet by getting her hair styling equipment and cosmetics, clothes, and other essentials, and has been inviting her over to the house to show her love and hospitality. I'm so proud of my wife taking seriously the things Jesus values most in the Kingdom, and that is showing love to those who have been thrust to the margins, even if it is of their own making (which is where most of our problems originate if we're honest). That is truly taking seriously the mandate to create spaces where humans can flourish, and helping remove the barriers. My wife invited that friend over to watch mushy ...