If Only....
I'm sure there are blogging rules out there somewhere saying you should be consistent. It seems as if I've been consistent....ly....bad...ok, horrible, at staying in front of my aging laptop on a regular basis typing stuff I think is hilarious or deep or inspirational to the masses. I'm grateful for all the millions of followers who have stuck with me in spite of long blogular voids. Ok...thousands of followers. Ok, ok...141. But 141 of the best, most faithful wonderful people I've ever paid to hit the 'like' button on the Facebook page to make it look like there are a few that enjoy a goofy read now and again. Seriously, though, life has been pretty crazy. Getting married, getting kids into school and adjusted to a new home, followed all of the other adjustments that go along with all that...it's been nuts. Things are leveling out so it should give me the opportunity to hit the keyboard a little more often. I've missed it. I've al...