
Showing posts from August, 2012

The Problem with Perception

Samuel Rowbotham sounds like he was a very interesting guy.  Maybe not someone you'd want to go out with and have fun, but someone who would make you think.  He's not speaking much now, nor is he being invited to many parties.  He died in 1884. You seriously don't know Sam?  He's the founder of the 'Flat Earth Society'.  That's right.  He believed that the earth is flat and that the north pole is at the center of this frisbee we call earth.  The stars, he believed were only a few hundred miles above this disk. The amazing thing is that the society exists to this day!  It has a few thousand members, with forums for discussing the um....flatness of the earth, and other related topics like "The Risks of a 'around the world flight or cruise'".  I'm sure the discussions are quite interesting. My reason for bringing Flat Sammy into this conversation is because he really illustrates so well the truth of the statement, "Perception is...